Knowledge of customer needs and wishes starts with a long Customer journey with open exchange. For manufacturers like us, the only way to achieve this starts from product orientation to service rendering.
What are products for?
As ERA team and a leading manufacturer, we know our products, capabilities and have ideas for our respective application and use. Our marketing strategies are based on this and the distribution channels are aligned. Product quality, assortments, customizability and stability are emphasized in meetings with customers .
But what purpose do the products really serve to the customers? Do they use the legs for Bedroom Furniture or Dining Rooms? Should the sofa take centre stage in the living room and could perhaps be bigger or different to meet this demand? Or do they love variety and are more likely to seek options for appropriate design via modular construction methods? What other options could be offered with this knowledge around the products?
As ERA, we question these details in our Team and try to describe the points to identify needs. This can only be done by taking the customer's point of view in order to understand the importance of usage our own products .
ERA Servitization process ;
Our Servitization process describes the way from the focus on the pure product and production - to the requirements, needs and wishes of the customers. Putting service thinking at the centre of the company is an important and the first requirement of the furniture hardware industry and the role of this importance are getting bigger issue.
We emphasize our motto as " Fittings for better Life " and our servitization also offers new innovative approaches in order to position our motto successfully for the future and to strengthen and develop customer relationships. The advantage lies above all in the fact that services are less easily exchangeable than products.
We just do not think in terms of products and a common journey is created together by getting to know each other, understanding customer needs, finding solutions for these needs and later even anticipating their wishes. Therefore, we work very closely with our business partners and prospects in order to give a better service along with a better product range because the focus is on the customer's requirement is our priority.
