More than 30 Years of Experience in Production...
ERA Audit , Quality Control & Consultation Service
We are also giving auditing , quality control and consultation service to foreign companies who want to work with any Turkish companies especially in furniture & hardware industry and in any other industries for only company review , not for quality control as other industries are not our profession but if companies in other sectors give us requested quality control details , we can also proceed also with other sectors . Our main service topics are as follows ;
* Factory/Company Audit
Factory Audits are cost and time effective way to prepare a complete profile of your potential supplier , ensuring they will become a reliable part of your global supply chain. It is an important audit ;
To verify that your supplier's facilities are operational and suitable for manufacturing your products and projects.
To ensure that your supplier's sourcing policies comply with your own policies.
To identify and hedge against potential quality, operational, and ethical risks.
To evaluate the competence of the factory management
Standard Factory/Company Audit covers:
Factory profile and Company Overview
Production capacity and Production process management
Factory facilities, including condition of machinery and equipment
Workflow and organization charts
Quality assurance
R&D Overview
Company Development Plans
Certificates & Photos & Videos
Other additional modules can be included upon demand like ; Social responsibility , Hygiene & Health and Safety , Enviromental impact etc.
* Pre-Production Inspection
Pre-Production Inspection is carried out prior to the beginning of the actual mass production based on previous confirmed samples and clients’ specifications . The goal of performing PP Inspection is to make sure that manufacturer understands your specific requirements and the specifications of your order according to produced sample for your confirmation before order.
Most of the time , the main reason for production problems and poor quality problems are because of misunderstandings between you and the manufacturer due to cultural and language differences. The PP Inspection will allow you avoid these kind of lack of communication and make sure both parties understand each other.
* During Production Inspection
During Production Inspection takes place during 20% of manufacturing process. We check packed and unpacked products alongwith their appearance (AQL), workmanship quality, size measurements, weight check , functionality , labeling & logos , unit packaging and total packaging , and other special requirements depending on the product and your demand.
* Pre-Shipment Inspection
When 70% of order is completed , our inspector visits the factory and tests products, ensuring it meets agreed upon specifications.
A Pre-Shipment Inspection is a systematic inspection of units selected at random from all batches of orders , it is conducted when production is at least 70% completed. This is the final opportunity to take corrective action before production is finished and packed .Our checking comprehensive criteria covers ; quantity , functionality , durability , overall appearance , dimension , labelling , packaging and any other details importer wants to be checked.
Ideally, importer company constitutes a document listing all the specifications of the product to be inspected according to related product, and these specs become the inspector’s checklist . When no such information is provided, we simply check and provide information for importer’s review.
Based on the sampling plan, our inspector selects a predefined number of products at random. He checks them one by one, and counts the number of defects, which are compared to the AQL limits.
Pre-Shipment Inspection will ensure your products are acceptable according to your standards.
* Final Inspection prior to Loading and during Loading
The final step before container/Truck/Pallet loading is a critical step in the delivery of your goods. We apply this inspection when manufacturer finishes order at their facility just one or few days before loading in order to ensure that order is in good shape.
We check randomly products , quantity , conditions of export boxes and pallets , shipping marks etc . Once we confirm all the goods before deliver , we visit the manufacturer at the time of loading in order to check loading details and make sure all goods have been loaded properly .
Important Note : We are not a professional auditing company , we have started this service upon our partner's demand for their other orders in other companies and they requested us to check their orders and loadings based on their trust for us so we can also proceed your auditing demands based on your requirements and standards .
Please apply professional companies for your detailed audit demands. Our service is valid only for Istanbul region.